Cross Cultural Negotiation


Good contract negotiation underpins the gaming industry worldwide. But different cultures and languages, not to mention individual aspirations and agendas, can make reaching an agreement that matches the short and long-term interests of all parties extremely challenging. At Tottenham & Co, we have vast experience of negotiating in multiple cultures with partners and governments from many countries across the world. Whether they be development, management or shareholder agreements, you will need an experienced international Gaming Consultant and negotiator on your team.

Development, Management or Shareholder Agreements

Agreements That Work

Thoughtful preparation allied with our deep understanding of the gaming industry and the researched objectives and ambitions of every participant has brought us an exemplary record of preparing and crafting harmonious agreements that last. Tottenham & Co’s complete familiarity with your priorities and how they rank means we are uniquely able to minimise your risks and maximise your returns.

Experienced International Negotiator

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